The Tent

Video installation

The last drops dried up. The promise of endless growth did not come true. Society evaporated into the endless thirst for self-optimization, youth and immortality. Humans sit in temporary dwellings with chaotic dreams and never ending anticipation, but it is a dying planet. Two protagonists set out on a quest to break out of this drought. They are like heroes, born in a bleached-out vision of paradise. They seek for an invisible place, everyone knows about, but only few have ever experienced it. A physical site that is spread in time and space, one can observe a little piece of it, but never the whole. The characters go through a liberating act of transformation to navigate in this unknown: They pull everything out they know and soak it in to relearn! In a time when the concerns of humanity seem too complex to be related to the individual, ‘The Tent’ moves in the space of the unconscious and questions common cultural images and symbols.


︎︎︎The Tent featured in Kulturzeit extra,
at 3Sat

︎︎︎Interview with Rahel Anna Molnar
Gold und Liebe III, lessons for mutants
for Artmagazine online

Concept and realization: T(n)C   
3D art and animation: Tímea Strott
Additional camera: Péter Várnai
Sound: Rojin Sharafi
With the support of:

Stadt Wien, Bundeskanzleramt, Nemzeti Kultúrális Alap (NKA),
Wienwoche 2021